Hinkley’s Lighting News

Hinkleys will donate 10% of all retail sales of in-stock merchandise from the Phoenix Showroom to Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

AZCentral: ‘You have to change with the times’ — How Hinkley’s Lighting Factory became a Phoenix mainstay
For more than a century, Hinkley’s Lighting Factory has provided creative and eye-catching illumination products to the Valley and beyond, predominantly from its central Phoenix showroom. After 70 years of being on Central Avenue, it will make the move to its newly...

Give-A-Thon Raises $1,845,240.00 For Phoenix Children’s
With the help of KTAR NEWS 92.3 FM, 98.7 FM ARIZONA’S SPORTS STATION, KTAR.com and arizonasports.com, communities across Arizona gave more than $1,845,240.00 to support world-class care at Phoenix Children’s. Read More Here

Hinkley’s turning on the lights in the Airpark
Hinkley's turning on the lights in the Airpark READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://issuu.com/timespub/docs/sp_080821/1?e=8633901/86661173

After 70 years, Hinkley’s Lighting is leaving its Uptown Phoenix location for new Scottsdale digs
But not before holding a progressive moving sale in support of Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Hinkley’s Lighting first turned on the lights at its iconic Uptown Phoenix store some 70 years ago. Located on Central Avenue just south of Camelback Road, the popular high-end...

Valley’s Longtime Hinkley’s Lighting Announces Move to Scottsdale
About 70 years ago, Hinkley's Lighting, 4620 N Central Ave., first turned on the lights at its Phoenix store and this fall, the Valley-based and family owned business will close that location to move operations to Scottsdale. The bigger warehouse and showroom,...